Hi guys, how have u all been recently? Such a long time didn't update my blog...Cause i dunno what to update...But suddenly i have ohm to update it now.
Yes! i'm still me.. nothing much changes in my 2010 life. Started degree life in Taylors, and i'm still alive! Yeah-ness!! Thanks to my dorothy & saqina who helped me a lot in my assignment. Appreciate it! Muackss. At first, i was thinking how am i gonna to survive in this high English level environment. But when time passed by, i told myself i can do it! And then, yea...I does it!
Congratulate to myself that i got a study award from Kuok Foundation and it is "Half Loan Half Grant" Award. Finally someone appreciate my sincerely, my hard-work, and my needs. Thank you Kuok Foundation! Without you, my daddy will suffer on my tuition fees.
"I gained a lot of experiences" will be the best sentence to review what I've done in 2010. Complete my diploma in SEGi; internship, Continue degree at Taylor's University; Scholarship interview; Teaching latin dance; Got a chance to dance without paying; went back to my past tuition center to meet the tutor where we never meet them since 2007 (xp); working as a freelancer; Organised camp; Joined as a organizing committee in Chinese society@ Taylors; Produced & edited my very own video; Act as a zombie character in one of assignment and got a good review; Celebrating birthday with different friends and etc. There are so many first time in year 2010. Glad on myself had a good try and making myself more tough and independent!
Graduation trip @ Genting
Jaysee's 21st birthday party-theme 60's-80's
Tuition friend's gathering
With Cikgu Ahmad-Sejarah tutor
Malaysia-LAH campaign held by PR2 & Media students
(I gained most of my experience by holding this campaign-Thx Ms. Eena)

SEGi Head of School of Communication

With Jojo Struys

Internship@ Netforte where the office is based in Cyberjaya
Photo taken during my last day working @ Netforte
(All the colleagues treat me so good during my intern! Thanks them!)
With Karen
Photo taken during Pikom Leadership Summit @ hotel Nikko
(On the left-grandmum; right-grandaunt; i'm so sad that my grandaunt had passed away on early December where this photo taken on August. I'm more close with her if compared to others grandaunts and actually this is the only grandaunt left. But now...Few days before she passed away, she still talked with me and ask me about my study. Suddenly she fell down and 3 days after, she passed away. .. My grandmum really in pain! No one accompany her mahjong every Sunday....We miss you.:( Yi Poh, R.I.P )

Over Da' Top first cross over dancing camp (26th-28th December)

Ladies with Bobby Tan

Farewell dinner with Ms.Tharshini-One of the best lecturer in my 1st semester @ Taylor's. She is the one who taught me alot in acting and performing! Unfortunately, she has to continue her Master @ Miri...
New course-mate in Taylor's!!
Princess Dorothy & I
Birthday celebration 1 @ Italianese Curve
Birthday celebration @ gilly cafe

Birthday celebration 3 @ Chili's Midvalley
Embarrassed moment at Chili's
Cam whore using MAC @ Taylors..this is what we usually do in the library! xp

Charity event organised by Bentley Music, Leo club as a joined project

Leo's club member..i'm not actually..

SEGi Behind the Frames showcase by School of art & Design

MIFA Fashion show@ pavilion

Open house 13 Nov 2010

Suan's & Limly's Costume birthday Party

Casting (extra only) for Lelio Popo

Group photo taken during Chee Wei 21st birthday celebration @ Garden 1u

Cindy Birthday @ Sky Bar Traders Hotel

Halloween Party@ Taylors

Yeah..Picture tell the story...:) Couldn't manage to upload all the photo taken in year 2010.sorry..hehe
Anyway, Happy 2011, hope this year will be an exciting year!
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